
denirée isabel is a Venezuelan born, Canadian based artist. Being an immigrant and living as a part of the Venezuelan Diaspora has largely influenced her work. It has informed the manner in which she operates and experiences living in an affluent Western society. As a result, she examines and criticizes the relationship of being ni de aqui ni de alla (not of here nor there).

Her focus is exploring textiles through a spatial, interactive and interdisciplinary lens. Her conceptual practice revolves around the study and reflection of identity, culture, and womanhood. With each piece, the artist’s aim is to create space physically and emotionally for vulnerability and healing on the intra and interpersonal. 

She holds a BFA in Textiles with a minor in Art History from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She also graduated from Sheridan College in 2014 with an advanced diploma in Textiles. After NSCAD, she was accepted into the University’s community arts residency in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. In 2017, denirée was accepted as an artist in residence at Harbourfront Centre. She exhibits regularly in Toronto and Halifax.