low/new context

projection mapping on found materials

Text written by Karina Roman

Video Documentation by Peter Riddihough of Hoffworks


Photo Documentation by Mirna Chacin & Ana Bernadez

made with the support of:

This multimedia installation creates a space where new and traditional media intertwine, weaving the old and the new, the forgotten and the honoured. The patterns in the mapping projection are inspired by the colours and shapes on Indigenous South American textiles. Carrying a legacy of pre-contact history, textiles in the Americas are holders of ancestral knowledge, isabel as a textile artist herself approaches the weaving practice as a means to enter in contact with this knowledge. In this room she has created an immersive environment that the audience can inhabit, where textile making – a complex art that has been disregarded due to its crafty aspects – is been recontextualized, revalorized, updated and integrated with other media.

The ethereal overlook of the installation speaks to the timelessness of practices and knowledges that are the foundation of many cultures, and to a risk of disintegration when bodies are displaced and distanced from them.